
Are you Biological Family Searching for an Adoptee born in the Chicago area before 1964?

Are you Biological Family Searching for an Adoptee born in the Chicago area before 1964? Are you an adoptee whose original birth certificate was redacted and you were adopted in the Chicago area before 1964? If so, I can help, quickly and easily! I can give biological family the name of the adoptive parents! For adoptees with names blacked out on their OBCs, I can give you your birth name! You will receive an instant look-up, and if not found, no charge. Message or call me (618-529-1024) for the details.Cook_County_Illinois_map

I Believe

Everyone has the right to information about their family members and who they are.  This includes medical history, ethnic background, etc.

Secrecy implies shame. An adoption in the family is nothing to be ashamed of.  I believe in openness in adoption.

Adoptees have the right to have answers to their questions, know the first chapter of their story and understand why they were placed for adoption.

Birth mothers and fathers have the right to know what became of the child they gave up. They have questions they would like answered too.

– Juli Claussen

Cook County, Illinois Adoption Searches

For Cook County, Illinois (Chicago area) Adoption Searches

for Birth Parents

Search by child’s birth name and identify the adoptive parents!

This is a one-of-a-kind, accurate & legal method of obtaining this crucial information. Nearly EVERY Cook County adoption had a ‘legal notice of adoption’ and ‘petition to adopt’ in this publication.

Birthparents, Biological family membersIdentify the adoptive parents of the child who was given up for adoption.  From there it’s usually easy to identify your biological child’s name.

Adoptions 1934 through 1963:  Immediate lookups in computer database with a photo image of the actual ‘petition to adopt’ sent to you. If yours is not found, there’s no charge, so no risk.

My late colleague, Edward “Mike” Egan, searched out, photographed and compiled every ‘petition to adopt’ from the Chicago legal newspaper for a 29 year period in order to create this database. The project took him many years and was quite costly.  He assisted countless people with it in his work as an adoption searcher.

1971 through present:  Some dates are searchable immediately in a database. However, most require a rather time-consuming search in the archives.  Contact me for more information including instructions to do it yourself if you prefer.